In the last decade alone, men have taken a huge interest in their appearance. Men of all ages and all walks of life have begun to seek out plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons. Most men have specific goals in mind: a more “masculine” appearance, a balanced nose and/or profile, and an overall rejuvenated face. With facial hair, thicker skin, and a greater risk for certain complications, men must first find a certified and trusted plastic surgeon and then fully understand all considerations of elective cosmetic surgery.
Dr. Maurice Khosh of Manhattan, New York, understands the composition of male skin. Male facial skin has a richer blood supply than female facial skin, causing men to bleed more during surgery and being at a greater risk for pooling of blood under the skin. It is vital that men who are interested in cosmetic facial surgery seek out a surgeon who understands the structure of male skin and who is highly experienced in male plastic surgery.
Men often find it more difficult to hide any scarring on their face. While women can often style their hair in certain ways or use makeup to cover scars, it is more difficult (and less socially accepted) for men to do so. When choosing procedures to undergo, it is important to ask questions about any visible scars that will develop once healing is complete. As men age, hair loss is quite common. Men who have a facelift during their 30s or 40s must consider that scars at the hairline may become obvious as they lose hair while getting older.
Dr. Maurice Khosh understands the unique characteristics of male facial skin and bone structure. During your consultation, Dr. Khosh will listen closely to your areas of concern or dissatisfaction in order to proceed with a plan that will provide optimal results. Dr. Khosh will evaluate your entire head-face-neck region: your chin line, bone structure, how full are your sideburns, is your hair receding, how far does beard growth extend down the neck and up the cheeks, do you have facial scarring, is acne a problem, is there sun damage to the face, and is the neck skin loose or drooping?
Anyone considering facial plastic surgery needs to make their first priority choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon that s/he can trust. Men must also choose a plastic surgeon who is qualified and highly-practiced in male plastic surgery. Dr. Maurice Khosh has extensive qualifications and is a renowned plastic surgeon who you can trust for exceptional results and unmatched personal care.